At Southern Fabricating Machinery Sales we handle a lot of CNC Milling Machines. These CNC Milling Machines, also called VMC’s (Vertical Machining Centers) are a core type of machine used in machine and fabrication shops throughout the world, and while they may be a common sight to some, there are many that don’t know what CNC Milling machines are used for, or what processes they commonly handle. A while back we wrote a great article entitled The Fundamentals of a Vertical Machining Center (VMC) where we described the process and history of CNC Milling machinery. Now, in this article we explore the basics of CNC Milling and Introduce the process to the layman.
Understanding the Process - Milling is a process of machining which utilizes rotary cutters to remove material. The rotary
cutters can be of solid hardened steel or a multifaceted tool with cutting inserts that can be replaced as the tool wears. The process can be completed with a wide range of machine tools but CNC “Milling” Machines are the most common types of machery to perform the process. These Milling Machines or “Mills” as they are sometimes referred to as can be not only CNC Controlled but also manual. CNC Milling machines can also be in a vertical or horizontally built configuration. Click HERE for a more detailed article about the process.
Because these machines are extremely useful they can be found in a wide variety of adapted designs or variants, including: Vertical Machining Centers, Bed Mills, Box Mills, Floor Mills, Gantry Mills, Horizontal Boring Mills, Horizontal Machining Centers, Jig Boring Mills, Knee Mills, Turret Mills, Routing Mills and even Mill/Turn Centers which combine a variety of operations into one single machine. These variable designs of the Milling Machine are suited for particular applications such as small precise work or large fabrications such as machinery frames. Choosing the right Milling Machine for your process is critical for success of your operation and
CNC Milling Machines are used in most every type of manufacturing in one process or another. They can be used for toolmaking, moldmaking, component manufacturing and even to make another milling machine. The addition of the “CNC” controller allows for variable geometries and contours to be produced automatically and easily following the pre-programmed tool path established by the machines programmer. The CNC Milling Controller also takes the place of complex attachments and gages required when making these calculations and machining geometrical shapes manually. A more in depth explanation can be read HERE.
At Southern Fabricating Machinery Sales, Inc. we are experts in CNC Milling and the Machining Process. Whether you're looking for a Knee Mill or Vertical Machining Center, Southern Fabricating Machinery Sales can assist you in finding the right process and machinery for your needs. Call us today at 8123-444-4555 or visit us on the web at for more info.
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