9” X 49” Vertical Milling Machine with Adjustable Gibs Throughout, Internal Cooling Tank, Chromed Large Diameter Quill, One Shot Lubrication System, Precision Hardened and Ground Ways & Table and Internally Cooled Spindle.
9” X 49” Vertical Mill with Automatic Oiler, Dual Locks on All Movable Surfaces, Internally Cooled Spindle Head, Swing Away Control Box with E - Stop, Swing Away Safety Shield, Hardened Table and Ways, X & Y Axis are Coated in Tarcite-B for Smooth Movements and Reduced Vibration.
10” X 50” Vertical Milling Machine with Adjustable Gibs Throughout, Chrome Lead Screws on X & Y, Chrome Plated Motor Shaft with Bearing Support at End, Hardened & Ground Square Vertical Knee Ways and Cross Ways, One Shot Lubrication System and Internally Cooled Spindle Head.
10” X 50” Vertical Milling Machine with Swing Away Control with E - Stop, Internally Cooled Spindle Head, Swing Away Safety Shield, Hardened Table and Ways.
12” X 54” Vertical Milling Machine with Adjustable Gibs Throughout, Dual Locks on All Movable Surfaces, Heavy-Duty Spindle Brake, Precision Bored & Honed Milling Head, Precision Hardened and Ground Ways & Table, Three Precision Ground T-Slots, Three Stafe Power Downfeed with Automatic Stop and (2) 115 V Outlets on Electrical Box for Power Feeds Only.
9” X 49” Vertical Milling Machine with ACU-RITE MILLPWR G2 Control, Pneumatic Power Draw Bar and 2 Year Warranty
9” X 49” Vertical Mill with Mounted Control Box, Seamless One-Piece Steel Quill, Stainless Steel Y - Axis Ways Cover, Electric Spindle Brake, Spindle Safety Guard and Automatic Lubrication
11” X 58” Vertical Mill with Power Feed on X, Box Ways, Misc. Collets and Machine Chucks.
72” X 18” Vertical Mill with Front & Side Operations Controls, Rapid Traverse to all Axis, Table Climb Mill Feature, Automatic Table Cycle, Automatic & Continuous Cycles for Spindle Control, Power Feeds and Speed Selector.
26” X 16” Bed Mill with Fagor 8055 CNC Control, Box Ways, 40 Taper and 7.5 HP Motor
31” X 17” X 25” Vertical Mill with Trak A.G.E. 3 CNC Controls, Power Draw Bar, Power Feed for Elevation and RS232 Port.
51.2” X 11” Knee Mill with Variable Speed, Spindle and Turret Head, Horizontal Arbor Supports with Arbor, Coolant System, One Shot Lubrication and Bijur #UBA2 Spray Mist Coolant Unit
51.2” X 11” Horizontal and Vertical Milling Machine with Pendant Control, Horizontal Arbor Supports with Arbor, Coolant System and One Shot Lubrication
36” X 16-1/2” DUAL Vertical & Horizontal Machining System with 5HP Vertical 4,500 RPM Milling Head, 5HP Horizontal X40 NST Milling Drive, Full 360° Turret Swivel, 45° Head Tilt (F-B) and 90° Head Swivel (L-R) capabilities
39”x 16.3” X 5” Travels Heavy Duty Vertical Knee Mill with 5 Hp Motor, Variable Speed Drive (60-4500 RPM), NT-40 Spindle, Hardened & Ground Box Ways On Column And Saddle, Dual Cooling Fans, Meehanite Casting, Self-lubricating Motor Shaft, Abec-7 Super Precision Spindle Bearings, Turcite Coated Saddle Ways, Unique Double Nut Backlash Systems, One Shot Lube System, Backlash Eliminator Tool, Front & Rear Way Covers and Tool Kit.
9" X 50" Manual Vertical Knee Mill with 3HP Motor Variable Speed Drive (60-4500 RPM), R-8 Spindle, Dual Cooling Fans, Meehanite Casting, Chromed Ways, Self-Lubricating Motor Shaft Extends Pulley Life, Abec-7 Super Precision Spindle Bearings, Precision Ground and Flaked Table, Unique Double Nut Backlash System, Double Fan Cooling System, Cutler Hammer On/Off Switch, Front And Rear Way Covers, One Shot Lube System (X , Y , Z Axes)
9” X 42” Capacity Vertical Milling Machine with 3HP Motor Variable Speed Drive (60-4500 RPM), R-8 Spindle, Meehanite Casting & Hard Chromed Ways
9” X 49” Capacity Vertical Milling Machine with 3HP Motor Variable Speed Drive (60-4500 RPM), R-8 Spindle, Meehanite Casting, Chromed Ways, elf-Lubricating Motor Shaft, Abec-7 Super Precision Spindle Bearings, Digital Variable Speed, 3- Axis Digital Readout (quill, saddle and table), X –axis Power Feed, Hard-Chromed Ways, Front & Rear Rubber Way Cover, & One Shot Lube System.