⅝” X 10’ Hydraulic Power Squaring Shear with 4’ Front R/H & L/H Squaring Arms, Ball Transfers on Table, Manual Quick Blade Gap Adjustment, Hydraulic Oil Cooler and 36” Swingup Backgauge.

Capacity:                        ⅝” X 10’
Blade Size:                        1-⅛” X 5” X 124”
Number of Hydraulic Hold Downs:        16
Hold Down Tonnage:                32 Tons
Full Stroke Speed:                    9 SPM
Short Stroke Speed:                    27 SPM
Motor:                            50 HP
Backgauge:                        48”
Table Height:                        34”
Full Table Support Depth:                29”
Approx. Machine Dims w/o Squaring Arm:    153” LR X 120” FB
Approx. Machine Dims w/ Squaring Arm:        153” LR X 2047” FB X 112” H
Approx. Machine Weight:                46,000 Lbs

INCLUDES: 4’ Front R/H & L/H Squaring Arms, Ball Transfers on Table, Manual Quick Blade Gap Adjustment, Hydraulic Oil Cooler and 36” Swingup Backguage.

***We strongly encourage personal inspection of all pieces of used equipment***
***All Price, Location and Specifications Subject to Change without Notice***